The Three Ring Circus 
// Master Film KASK

You are invited to a journey through the 'Three-Ring Circus': a subconscious reflection of the absurdity of the world based on Albert Camus' philosophy. We are taken to a place where reality mixes with dreamlike imagery and obscure creatures play their final acts in this distorted yet fantastic circus. The imagery of the movie is a visualized parody of proverbs. Wise words, taken too literally, become silly things. In the end, isn't life a three-ring circus indeed?

Director: Sine Özbilge ©
Actress: Indra De Bruyn
Music: Bart Maris 
Sound Design: Bram Vervaet 
Mentors: Luc Degryse, Anke Brouwers



• BOZAR - Het Grote Ongeduld!Xtra
• ZEBRASTRAAT - De Wereld van Raoul Servais
• Internationaal Kortfilmfestival Leuven
• Animac - Future Talents
• PIFF Pune International Film Festival India
• Zwarte Zaal - MOVING
• GRAFIXX - Animatiekortfilms
• ByeBye Cultuur Kortfilmfestival
• PULSAR Animated Night
• KASK Animation on Tour - Kunstacademie Eeklo